We try to figure out who to say and when to eat and when to drink and...well...you know..who we can miss...
1.11 inALLcaps Radio Hour by inallcaps
We think it's all good that Tenacious D is going to wrap this festival up...
Do you think Mookie really will ride a bike to the festival or find a rickshaw to ride in?
It's a three-day festival. Are we even going to make it through day one?
Even though TLO can hardly handle energy drinks, KHAOS is her favorite flavor.
Bummed we are missing Thievery Corporation but could care less about Incubus...
So how much walking back and forth do you think we will do... And why didn't I remember that I wanted to score myself some bomb-ass shoes for this event?
Is TLO the only one around here who is so defiant?
TLO goes off on a tangent on summer festivals and SummerFest. If you like music festivals you have got to look into this...
How exactly will we set the mood for all this music? Will the weather do it for us?
And continuing with Saturday's music discussion...
So, do you think that Conor Oberst sounds a bit like Dustin Kensrue?
So how does this whole Buy-Marijuana-in-California thing work? And just why do you think we can't even remember that whole movie...
And on to Sunday.
Eat your dinner. Don't get grumpy. This is serious.
Don't be fooled by going to comedy-style music shows...
We are stoked!
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